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  Jul 2020 Jan
her eyes wrecked havoc,
left him totally dumbstruck,
like the stormy clouds,
that controlled the raging seas,
they spoke volumes, so loud,
got him down on this knees
@kyraembers and I used exchange poems in tenth grade, when we felt class was too boring. and yesterday, she thought, for old time's sake, we could do it again. so, here's mine. where's your's, @kyraembers?
Jan Jul 2020
Our bodies fit perfectly
hearts racing rapidly
lips harmonising ceaselessly

Nebula gawks
making asteroids stop
No evidences,
just stars,

No one but You and I

Gleaming stones dull
In comparison,
set aside to our
brewing passion

You light my day
like carousels do
to a carnival
developed from the verses of a close friend, Inspired from my life
  Jul 2020 Jan
I blamed god,
For every problem that came our way.
But what I did to you,
Makes me want to stay away.
Not from your presence,
But from civilization.
For the guilt that followed,
Has become an albatross.
One so large and heavy,
Forcing me on my knees when I wear it.
It wouldn't have happened.. if I took efforts.
Jan Jul 2020
Sipping on Hennessy.
dripping with greed.

Every decision I made,
means to mess with me.

Don't need no shots,
Are n't you competent substitute.

You get me high
tripping with jealousy.

My little flask of poison,
why is thou,
so intoxicating?
recent try.
Jan Jun 2020
They all say "I love you"
No one does like you.
  May 2020 Jan
When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?
  May 2020 Jan
Love didn't end wars
It started them
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