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Oct 2020 · 83
Dear brother
Khaab Oct 2020
It's midnight and I miss you really bad
I look at the place where you sleep.
And I have these thick tears in my eyes,
Everytime you feels like spring🌸
But everytime you feels like the harsh winter.
I feel like pianos playing when we all are together
The way we laugh...make fun of each other...share stuff and more
I remember the movie nights till 4 in the morning
And I remember us talking about avengers all the time.
Everytime you leave I love and miss you even more
Being your elder sister...
I feel like recording your tiny voices
before puberty strikes them and they become hoarse
I feel like holding your tiny hands
Before puberty strikes and they no longer fit in mine
I feel like taking pictures of the tiny you
Before puberty strikes and you grow taller than me
And all I feel is lucky to have a brother like you.
Tonight it feels good to be an elder sister.
Oct 2020 · 63
⛅ or 🌑 ?
Khaab Oct 2020
Emily Dickinson said," The brain is wider than the sky..."
Some thoughts are like clouds in this sky
But some thoughts pollute it...
Changing the bright sky to a darker one.
A dark sky with no stars...
But yes...there is a moon
Just like a window in a dark room with no door...
which gets smaller....and...smaller with every coming day.
But how can we forget, we are the little birdies
Flying high in our sky mind.
Some days we ride on our cloudy thoughts
And some days we look here and there...
finding a ray of light in the dark.

Our mind is the place, where we live
So let's welcome the beautiful thoughts
as our loved ones...
And fear not slamming the door!
in the face of dark thoughts...
bringing the uninvited guests...stress,anxiety and depression.
Hey! my fellow birdies...
I believe it's completely our own choice to
fly high in the cloudy sky
or watch it turn darker from the home.
Oct 2020 · 77
Khaab Oct 2020
What is this life?
Every single time it's a question...
Isn't this funny?
With my feels like a party
Where I feel like dancing...
On some nights, it's like the saddest novel
When the coming day feels like a burden
On rainy days... its like my favourite song
It goes on.....smoothly
On some days... it feels like a comedy series
Where I can hear laughters behind me
And sometimes it feels like....

Nothing!....its wierd that day.
I like I experience different things...feelings...emotions...through my life.I am thankful for every moment....but it will always remain a mystery for me.
Khaab Oct 2020
They say," change is the only constant thing..."
And she changed...
As her soul danced between the four seasons
From feeling powerful to the most miserable person
She felt everything...everytime.

There were times when summer flourished
When she took dips in the ocean of stars
And danced the nights away with the fireflies.

But she enjoyed the winter more
Where the winter rains calmed her
And the Dark and Cold felt as her own people.

But before she met them...the maple tree in her garden
was changing colors...from green to orange
She picked up the fallen maple leaves
and played among them.
As she saw everything around her fading away...
She felt autumns were beautiful,
Because she had to be dead to feel live again.

The time passed by...
I remember her sitting...eating her cake
Waiting for the winter to end and spring to come
Waiting to sing songs under her cherry blossom.
Her heart was her home and she sat their celebrating the seasons
She loved all the seasons but something was special about winter and spring...♥
Oct 2020 · 79
Not an easy one
Khaab Oct 2020
I want to write poems
Day and night...I feel like doing this
But the words are lost...
I try to find them in the sky
I try to find them under the table
But they are lost...
The change is not an easy one
With every new day...I discover
a new smile...a new tear...
a new hate...a new love...
every single day I find something new.
Waiting to get myself back soon.
I can feel it
Oct 2020 · 98
Khaab Oct 2020
I put my guard down
as I enter that place called home
I meet people with whom I share my blood
The ones who are precious to me...
The ones who know the real me...
My life becomes a party
And they are the songs.
The heart which is cold
And the smile which is lost for others
Becomes a warm one and smiles come out like stars.
We laugh together...we cry together
And at the end I close my eyes to thank God for them.
I love them...because they love me unconditionally
Oct 2020 · 70
Won or not?
Khaab Oct 2020
The sky is becoming happy again...
The flowers dance with the wind
And I can hear the piano playing...
Instead of shedding tears,
I am shedding the old ***** cherish the new one!
May be the spring has come...
But I feel like I have still not won.
It's hard to win but I am not giving up...
Khaab Oct 2020
I guess..its never the end,
The end is the start of the new beginning
The beginnings wait for the ends to come.
Even if you slept tired and hopeless last night...
Today the break of dawn
will mark a new energy and hope for you.
The end of a catterpillar is...
beginning of the life of a beautiful butterfly.
The methods change as ideas wheel around minds
But the basic principle never ends.
So...I guess it's all connected!
We all are growing and meet thousands of people
But...very few stay...
If it all ends up with someone
Either you find yourself or a new person finds you...
The loosened ropes of one relation
tightens it up for another...
And this way it goes on.
Nothing ends...even we as humans have a soul residing inside us...which never ends.
Sep 2020 · 100
A boy with a big smile
Khaab Sep 2020
The sun has done it's duty
And's handing over the sky to the moon.
The sky and air sound gloomy....
People...there are crying
Some are family and some are friends
He was there...he was just there!
I had met him last year...
And I saw him last week
He was different from the herd
And asked me to relax...
during our stressful exams.
He made everyone smile...
I remember when he told me,
about him being the best teacher in the world
He was just of my age
But now...he is no more.
Sep 2020 · 68
The cycle of life
Khaab Sep 2020
To enjoy the coming spring
First, you need to move out in winter.
To make your little heart feel warm
First make it feel cold.
Even your soul and her home,Heart
become stronger, only after...
Someone hits and almost breaks them.
Isn't it awful but amazing?
The way life teaches it's lessons.
The cycle of life
is from pain to pleasure.
So let's not lose hope...
Let's not be scared of those wounds,
Because that's only where the light
will enter and heal that soul.
Let's not forget, the brightest stars are
seen on the darkest nights...
And only after the darkest night...
The brightest light of dawn will come.
People come and go. Some will leave you with memories and some will break you. But life goes on and makes us stronger with every new obstacle. I know it's extremly hard sometimes. But let's face it...face to face!
Sep 2020 · 101
Khaab Sep 2020
She is strong enough
to hide her wounds and tears.
And meets the world with
a warm hug and bright smile.
Even though the wounds are deep
And she knows, it will take years
to fill them...
But she disgusts over herself
As she can't stand being weak
So she picks up her sword
to bring an end to it...before it ends her too.
Every girl out there is a born warrior, fighting with a grace like that of a queen.
Khaab Sep 2020
She calls herself a poetess.
Everything around her flows
like the verses of her poems,
So poetic!
She looks for words everywhere,
Under the table
Between the pages of a book
Behind the tree
In the sky
and in her soul...
Her heart is an ocean of feelings.
Someimes she drowns in them,
But sometimes I find her
playing with the most dangerous tides.
She writes on the pages
like rain from sky.
Moments breathe alive in her poems.
And with each passing day
poetry becomes an indelible part of her.
I wish her luck!
Sep 2020 · 361
A humble person
Khaab Sep 2020
Socrates said it right,
"True knowledge exists in knowing
that you know nothing."
You are not that great...humble down.
We are a tiny part of this nature...
So let your roots be grounded
But grow tall and high...reaching the sky.
Just like a tree...which humbles down
as more and more fruits grow on it.
Remember being humble is not your weakness
As being humble means
you know where your inner strength lies.
So be courageous and lead a beautiful life.
You are strong.
You are different.
Keep your self esteem high...buddy!
And do not change it to arrogance.'s rare to find a humble person.
So let's be rare😊
Being arrogant won't let's just try being humble.
Sep 2020 · 64
Good or Bad?
Khaab Sep 2020
There is nothing like good or bad,
I guess this world is something above that.
The things which were repulsive
and horified me as a child
are conventional in this world.
It was just me...a kid, splitting up
this world into good and bad.
My father has always told me...this world is completely different than what it is in my head...Today I understood your point Pa!
Sep 2020 · 109
Just need to find it!
Khaab Sep 2020
She believes, there is always a shade of light
even in the darkest places.
She feels, even the darkest hearts
have light of love alive in them.
Even if it's itty bitty...
But it is always there.
A person who is cold towards everyone...must have someone he or she loves unconditionally. As we humans are made out of love, it's just the situations...that make hate enter inside us.
Sep 2020 · 130
Theory of this World
Khaab Sep 2020
The ones who have to stay,
will always stay.
And the ones who don't deserve you,
will drift away.
Sometimes it's not your fault...but you are told that it was all yours.It's the time you need to reflect back. But if you know that you gave your best and there was nothing wrong you did...just stand high and ask that person not to question your loyalty.
Sep 2020 · 70
The little thing
Khaab Sep 2020
You are your own Sun
And the little thing beating
inside your chest
has your rising phoenix soul!
Yes...that little beating thing
which is caged inside your ribs,
It's precious but wild as well
So take care.
Just embrace it! shine bright!
Sep 2020 · 326
Where did she reach?
Khaab Sep 2020
I saw a girl in that unknown land
Wearing a grey hoodie and a black mask
She was just walking to a location unkown
I felt a wreck was inside her
And everyone judged her
But the truth was...millions of things
were happening inside her.
And she didn't know where
she had reached?
She told me that she was a mess at that time...
Sep 2020 · 92
Stay cold
Khaab Sep 2020
I used to live in a kalopsia
An asthete world of mine
full of clouds, moon and stars.
But I realised it was a daydream
that broke
I had build walls but you broke
and pushed me into this
world of yours
A world which was a myth for me
A myth that people of this world
are mean
They do not care
And they are robbers.
But...thank you for breaking my dream
Now there is a beating heart of stone
in me
And winter is everywhere
So do not expect from me
to bring summer again.
Let the snow fall
Let the heart freeze.
Because If I end up forgetting you
I am sorry....I am not sorry.
Now...I will crush this world of yours with my coldness
Sep 2020 · 60
Kicked out!
Khaab Sep 2020
I gave you space in my home
I gave you my bed to sleep
I gave you my food to eat
I did everything
But what did you do?
But you...Ugh!
You split all that water on my bed
And created a mess in my kitchen
And broke all the things
But! you know it's not your fault
That's how you are!

I was upset
So I packed your stuff
and kicked you out!
And now I hope, you
never try to come back
this way!
It's better to kick some people out of your life! Now I will clean my home and be careful while opening the door next time.
Sep 2020 · 153
She is done!
Khaab Sep 2020
There is no point for her being good
She was good with those who didn't deserve
They played with her little heart just like a soft toy
And at the end, ripped it apart
She was stupid
She was silly
As she still stood there smiling like a fool
But now... she picks up the knife
And cuts her chest
Takes out the bruised bleeding heart
And throws it in the bin.
Now no feeling
nothing for anyone.
She is done!
Be like snow....beautiful but cold.
Sep 2020 · 703
4th September, 2020
Khaab Sep 2020
Friday                                                           ­                11:45a.m
Earth's oldest band: Thunder was having a concert on clouds
And raindrops wearing anklets
danced in her verandah
The wayward wind tickeled the branches
of Gulmohar tree,
And the newborn leaves wondered who it was?
There she the warmth of moment
listening to the untold stories of faraway lands.
Rains.....*sighs in relief*
Sep 2020 · 703
Khaab Sep 2020
She was not a twig
you could crush under your feet.
She was the Giant Sequoia
with roots of values deep inside the earth.
It was not that easy to move her!

P.S: Do google Giant Sequoia!
Khaab Aug 2020
Even angels have devil's heart
She can't understand
what's happening?
She has got no control over it!
All the kindness and mercy have left
It's dangerous to mess with her now
A fire is burning inside her.
And she wants the flames to go higher!
Her heart is all black.
It excites her and she is loving the way it feels. feel good in being bad and destruction provides you peace.
Aug 2020 · 77
Peace in destruction
Khaab Aug 2020
That night...she did not want it to rain.
Whishing for the storm to come
She wanted everything to get destroyed...completely destroyed.
And then an evil smile appeared on her face.
Aug 2020 · 120
And after centuries,
Khaab Aug 2020
that house felt like home...
They didn't want to leave the old couple alone.
She visited that place since chilhood. But that day, I remember her standing there looking at the house that had become home. They all came back with memories but now it was time to say a goodbye.
Aug 2020 · 431
Being a Sikh
Khaab Aug 2020
A person with a turban and long hair
That is how people locate us
But we are lot more than that...
It's our values and the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib
that make us shine bright!
As Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave us the value of Vand Chakko,
We can't discriminate because
Guru gave us the value of Langar
where everyone sits together to have food in Gurudwaras
without consideration of caste, creed, race or gender.
All we know is that the blood of all humans is red
And that reason is enough for us to treat everyone equal.
We have been nurtured with the values of Kirt Karan and Naam Japan.
That keeps us on the right path of hard work.
Gurbani flows in our blood.
Our Guru made us strong!
As Guru gobind Singh ji said," The one who goes through injustice is wrong but the one who sees injustice is worst!"
So neither we take it nor we see it!
Everytime we say Waheguru...we believe God is one.
Our beautiful long hair are a symbol of our faith...
Which are covered by tubans that are not only mere
pieces of cloth...
But make us Kings and Queens.
Being a sikh...I was born with the responsibility to make this world a better place.
Aug 2020 · 80
Scared "for" or "of" ?
Khaab Aug 2020
Are they scared "for" her because of some men in the outer world who are called "creeps"?
Are they scared "of" her because of the men she could pull down  who would be called "weaks"?
"Gender equality not only liberates women
But also men from predescibed gender stereotypes."
                                                                  - Emma Watson
Beleive me, It's not easy to live in such a hypocratic society as us.
Why can't a woman be more successful than a man?
Why can't a man cry?
Why can't a woman work outside and a man at home?
Why is it a man's responsibility to fix?
Why is it a woman's responsiblity to cook?
If a woman is catcalled or teased...many of us put the blame entirely on her clothes. And deny to ask the catcallers to stay in their limits. And if we talk about catcalling even men (actually all the genders) get catcalled and that is extremly shameful on part of those people .
A man is criticized and called weak if his woman is more capable than him...but what's the problem in that!? We all are humans doesn't matter any let's stop putting our egoes infront and break these stereotypes about all the genders....let's step up in new peaceful society.
Aug 2020 · 78
He left...
Khaab Aug 2020
All the memories float in front his tear blind eyes
As his father steps in heaven.
It's not easy to lose someone.
Aug 2020 · 102
Some days
Khaab Aug 2020
On some days,
I feel like clouds raining
I feel like listening to music
I feel like whispering my secrets and poems
to my diaries.
I feel like... going on adventures to solve the
mysteries behind the dreams I see every night.
When will I enjoy these days....?
Aug 2020 · 68
Khaab Aug 2020
The body heats up and the mood, swings
The blood that she cringes over is holy,
It's painful because it's the shedding
of all the preparations that were done to welcome a new life.
A life that was going to be a part of her body.
The pain is the scream of her body
as it had worked hard for the 9 month ceremony🌸
But has to let it all out!
To all the girls out there! you are a Goddess
As the world rises from You.
Every girl's body becomes a mother every month by preparing for the welcome and then sheds tears at the end of every month. I love the fact that every girl is born with feminity in every part of her body.
Isn't she beautiful?
Aug 2020 · 135
Khaab Aug 2020
I believe sky was made to inspire poets.
*looks at the sky*
Aug 2020 · 151
Friends for lifetime🚍
Khaab Aug 2020
She thought that she was left all alone
But after that one call...she truly believed
she had earned a lifetime friend.
Sometimes you feel you are left all alone...but there are people who enter like a ray of light in your dark world and brighten it up!!
Aug 2020 · 84
Khaab Aug 2020
Today I thank god for water
Yes! water...
I remember that hot summer afternoon
When my body felt like a barren land
And I had to provide water to it
When that divine creation of God
went down my felt like flowers
growing on my body.
My tiny cells rejoiced like the people...
Like the people whose barren land had got rain.
Water is divine...let's not waste it.
Aug 2020 · 50
Khaab Aug 2020
Emily Dickinson wrote it right,
"The brain is wider than the sky."
I'll write...The thoughts are free
like birds in that sky.
It's just, some thoughts are powerful like eagles
Some thoughts are beautiful like humming birds
And some thoughts are..............are like vultures.
I just realised that thing...
Aug 2020 · 131
Khaab Aug 2020
I look at myself dancing
to the song Truth Faith.
It says," I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty..."

I can feel it!
Being happy is free!!
Aug 2020 · 68
What to do?
Khaab Aug 2020
Why do I wake up feeling this way every morning?
My tears have dried up.
I am tired of tired
that soul needs a surgery.
I want to escape but I am caught up really bad.
Now...what to do?
* sigh *
Aug 2020 · 155
Khaab Aug 2020
They call me useless
But...I know my worth.
Their voices have put blisters on me
Their voices have burned me

But...I am a Phoenix!
And I will rise from my own ashes.
I suggest not to underestimate a person because you don't have any idea how your words are making them more powerful!🔥
Aug 2020 · 154
I am sorry Mama!
Khaab Aug 2020
My mother is the aid to all my aches
I can feel her warm hand on my head
when I sleep with a cold heart.
Even though she strokes my head for minutes
It keeps me warm for days.
I am sorry Mama! I know you deserve
a daughter much better.
Not someone like me...a girl fighting with her
own mind day and night.
I am sorry Mama! I am sorry...
All I can promise is to make you proud one day.
She is an excellent lady I live with.
Aug 2020 · 72
Creator of stars
Khaab Aug 2020
No matter how scared you are  
No matter how deep you go
in a dark place filled with pain.
The creator of stars will
hold your hand
And pull you out
in the morning sun.
You can believe in him.
Khaab Aug 2020
With a torch in my hands

I look for happiness in the dark.
Oho! where did I keep it?
Aug 2020 · 77
Khaab Aug 2020
She looked at herself in the mirror
Her eyes were calm.

Just the way...oceans are calm before the storm.
She did not let the tears fall
Proving to herself that she was strong...silly girl!...huh!
Aug 2020 · 68
What does she feel?
Khaab Aug 2020
It feels heavy all the time
As if rather than carrying an *****
She is carrying a stone within the ribs.
Somedays she is just tired...
Aug 2020 · 111
Father's daughter
Khaab Aug 2020
I was never alone
They say there is no one beside me
But they don't know whose behind me
He is a man of principles...
with glassy eyes and a golden heart
full of love and pure values
The ones who raised him are proud of him
and the ones around...are prouder!
Today, I apologise for taking him for granted
And grateful for the times when he heard me.
Its been 17 years
But his shoulders have been the highest point
I have reached.
He raised me with the values of love, respect and justice!
Always there for me, he is just one call away.
Indeed a gentleman
I feel so proud to be called as my Father's daughter.
He gave me the shoulder to cry on
He is the one I have learnt from.
Aug 2020 · 111
World of Poets
Khaab Aug 2020
The cold world was far away
from her asthete mind
I remeber... her heart looking for the warmth
When words, pens and papers appeared like angels,
They gave her wings and took her to the
World of Poets
which felt like heaven.
She sits with her diary along side the fireplace
where fire of poems
burning on the woods kept by poets
keep her warm.

She is thankful to every poet in this world♥
Aug 2020 · 250
What did the feminist say?
Khaab Aug 2020
I don't wish the power to be in hands of a woman
I don't wish the power to be in hands of a man
The world will be a better place...
only when millions of beings will be seen as one.

This is what the the feminist said.
"If you stand for equality,then you are a feminist.
Sorry to tell you."
                                    -Emma Watson
Usually we are mistaken between a feminist and a misandrist.
A feminist is a person (not a can be a woman as well as man)
who believes in equal rights of men and women. But in our society feminists are considered to be misanderists i.e a woman who hates men. We cannot forget that during the first feminist movement in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, 3oo men supported feminism in this movement. So let's not hate anyone and make this world a better place.
Aug 2020 · 556
The little goofball
Khaab Aug 2020
It's been four years
But the little goofball is still the same.
He is pampered and doesn't know how to fight
Instead I caught him yesterday running behind the butterfly
resting on his nose.
And then! rather than eating the grasshopper,
He tried to jump higher than it...and ended up into the wall!
His friends are strong like warriors but...
He is like the shepherd's boy grazing the sheep
His ******* eyes say it all
And his shine is like no other.
Even though he doesn't like me much...
But there are nights when we sit together
counting stars with fireflies.
The relation between me and my dog is not like others. He doesn't like me much but loves to stay around me.
Aug 2020 · 125
Khaab Aug 2020
Every cell of her body screams
As light falls on her
She is done with these days
carrying this big ball of fire around!
She craves for the nights to come
The dark comforts her
As she loves playing with her demons
Under the moon.
What's up with her!? I can't understand...
Aug 2020 · 179
Khaab Aug 2020
How could they expect from her to love?
When she was always in the battlefield with her armour on
At a war with her own demons...
Always filling her wounds with the confidence that
She was bigger than her demons
And that one day...she'll take the control.
"I am meaner than my demons
  I am bigger than these bones..."                                            
Aug 2020 · 241
Khaab Aug 2020
There are million things hitting my head
when it comes to you
I am a girl with a messy head and unbalanced emotions
Yet you leave me in a surprise
When with a small warm smile of yours
You tell me that you love me.
I know you are not interested in this play of words
that I do day and night
Yet you spend nights singing songs and listening my poetry...
Thank you.
Thank you Nadar♥
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