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Why have you made the nights your cloaks when the ground is better a comfort?
Weeping for what has left you for what is to stay to come.
Do you not see that dusk comes before dawn?
Why then do you trouble your heart?

You've flooded the Holy grounds with your tears and awoken the nights with your cries and fears, Seeking God.
Yet the ground on which you stand have refused to crumble but you do not care.
You've used too much words. Have you not seen now that it is not quantity, but quality that heavens first hear?

Is he who has made his desire his god same as he who has made God his desire?
Strip yourself off wants and put on contentment attire
Walk with faith and marvel at what you will acquire

I know you have stained yourself again. But come, this river does not run out of flow.
Wash yourself. It is not of ours to judge. Wash yourself till you become one with the river.
Drink from it and be pure of soul.
Drink till you get drunk in His Mercy

If we could look through
What claims to be light,
We will see the darkness that rests behind.

If we could look beyond
what is said to be darkness,
We will see the light.
Trapped, just like you and me
— scared of the dark.

Just maybe

If we could look through
What claims to be light,
We will see the darkness that rests behind.

If we could look beyond
what is said to be darkness,
We will see the light.
Trapped, just like you and me
— scared of the dark.

Just maybe

This is Malika:
A queen, whose jingling beads charm kings to stoop,
And beauty intoxicates men to stupor.
That even men of muse ponder upon her mute
And how her smile drives the clouds and her voice calms the winds.

The star that does not leave my sky,
even in the darkest of nights.
With brilliancy like that of the rising sun;
Whose ray of love has blurred my vision:
All I see is beauty upon beauty and light upon light.

The peacock of birds who walks in beauty and humility
That no eyes can see, but mine.
A cure for the soul that brings the heart to its senses.

This is my Malika and I am her Malik.

©By Abdulmalik Jibril
Malika is an Arabic word which means Queen, while Malik is the masculine gender which means King.
In your words,
I find cure.
By your look,
My soul enlivens.
O You Who dwells in my hearts.
Unless we tolerate,
We are not peaceful.

Unless we endure,
We are not patient.

Unless we let go,
We are not yet free.

Unless we trust,
We have no faith.

Unless we are compassionate,
We are not humane.

Unless we care,
We do not truly love.

Unless we love,
We have not actually lived.

Unless we understand,
We do not fully know.

© By Abdulmalik Jibril
If only my heart was gold,
Maybe, I'd be so precious to you
That so dearly you'd hold
And never let go.
For our love would have been mystery —unknown

If only my heart was gold,
You'd have left me —heartless
And just as you always say of men,
I'd also sing with bitterness,
"all women are the same".

But my heart is not gold,
So through every broken piece,
I'll always find peace in a whole.

By Abdulmalik Jibril
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