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13.0k · Feb 2019
Moving on
Sophie Feb 2019
They asked me
''How did you get over him?''
''How did you get over him so quickly?"
I smiled and I laughed
A crazy laugh
I cried and I laughed
A silent cry
A crazy laugh
I told them
"I tricked my heart into believing that I didn't  need him."
The brain knows the truth, the heart is a sucker for love songs.
1.3k · May 2019
Sophie May 2019
And if i treat you unfairly
And if i don't reply you like i should
And if i play you like a fiddle
Making you suffer in bits of ways
It's because you deserve it
And i deserved better
1.3k · May 2019
Happy alone
Sophie May 2019
I'm happy sleeping alone
I'm happy in my company
I do want to be in love and melt in the beauty of it
But for now
I'm happy alone
1.1k · Nov 2019
Sophie Nov 2019
Whisper the words in my ear
2am and we won't sleep, too bad!

Tell me your worse kinda fear
2am and we won't sleep, too bad!

You can cry if you want to
Make me your refuge
2am and we won't sleep, too bad!

I feel your heart beat on my skin
I feel the energy deep within
I know what you're hiding,
Let me in!!

It 2am and we won't sleep, too bad!

deep in the sheets of your bed.
I hope when we move in together, 2am will be our time...
926 · Mar 2019
After the many tears..
Sophie Mar 2019
I deserve Ice cream and cookies

I deserve attention and commitment

I deserve 'I miss you' 'I need you' 'You are beautiful'

I deserve happiness and a heart to rely on

I deserve hugs and the deepest kisses

I deserve laughter and a sound sleep

I deserve promises and a willingness to keep

I deserve openess and acceptance

I deserve dedication
I deserve them all

And when I find myself
Missing him
After everything he has put me through
I speak to my soul:
You deserve better, Soft one

You deserve Love
Remind yourself....
828 · Aug 2019
Sophie Aug 2019
Have you ever sat down and waited for a friendship to end?
751 · Jan 2019
He doesn't Belong to me
Sophie Jan 2019
He belongs to the wind
Son of the wind,
He belongs to the birds of the sky
They sing for him,
He belongs to the beautiful swans,
They like his stride, his face, his smile
He belongs to the Lions
He speaks their language, he is wild that way,
He belongs to the flowers of the field
He picks them and keeps them,
He belongs to the sea
He caresses her so sweetly,
He belongs to the  universe and everything in it,
But he doesn't belong to me
And because of that I have lost him forever
639 · Jun 2018
Lovely day
Sophie Jun 2018
Today is going to be a lovely day!
Coffee stain!
Rain no umbrella!!!!
Terrible boss!!
Forgot lunch!!!
Deadline not met!!
Disappointed boss!!
What's for dinner??!
No hot water!!!!!!!!!!
Today was actually a lovely day...
I'm alive ain't I?
624 · Jun 2018
Sophie Jun 2018
Today i discovered that there are some things bigger than us,
bigger than your hands holding mine,
bigger than your smile, they are divine,
bigger than the way you play with my hair,
bigger than the times we share,
Bigger than us.

bigger than your words - your promises,
bigger than our our eyes - we stare,
bigger than the future we once imagined,
Far bigger than us, i fear.

Bigger things awaits me,
Our love too soon
Has come and past.

I tried,
I tried to pick up the pieces, please forgive me....
But bigger things call me.
Goodbye my love,
Greatness is calling
Today our love didn't conquer all....
611 · Nov 2018
Boo ya!!
Sophie Nov 2018
I don't care if you don't  like me
Don't try me
Dice spicey
Chilling nicely
Red hot  chili peppers
Don't try me
I don't know if i might be
A little crazy
But try me
I'll cut the king off your kong
I know it best, when you are wrong
I love the chest, pandora's box.
Beg me i pray
Trust me you ain't
That fly
Fly fly the butterfly
And you ain't
That smooth
Smooth smooth
Nobody move!
It ain't a stick up!
But he think he fly
Moving around like some butterly
He think he smooth
True! True!
To that you win
But i don't care
So boo-hu to you too.
529 · May 2019
Heart acting up....
Sophie May 2019
My eyes saw him
My heart foretold our future
You know the works
       " laughing in bed"
"Fun with doing nothing"
         "Holding hands under the table"

I told my heart to shut up!
You meet someone for the first time and you can already imagine spending forever....
525 · Jun 2018
Sophie Jun 2018
We just want to be loved,
Not used,
We just want to have smiles,
No tear is meant to be shed,
Just hugs and kisses,
Ice cream and cookies,
Tell me you love me,
Promise you'll stay,
I have no worries,
As long as  You will stay,
Tell me you love me,
Promise you'll stay,
Friendships and lovers,
Please don't use me that way.
I just want to be loved,
Do i ask for too much?
They say we are complicated but we are not, we just want to be loved...
475 · Jul 2018
Sophie Jul 2018
I'm tired and i'm done.
I am broken; undone
Not begging you to love me anymore.
I don't need you to stay
You can take all your excuses
Try fitting them through the door.
You know what you have to do
You do know what you have to say
I give up
By the time you notice
I'll be gone
460 · Apr 2019
Real love #1
Sophie Apr 2019
He loved me because it was convenient
That's not love...

He stayed with me when it wasn't convenient
That's love.
452 · Jul 2019
Memories in the midnight
Sophie Jul 2019
The empty sky at night
Reminds me of you
That I may have rid myself of you
Empty like the sky this night
But it was when I had you
That my life was full and beautiful
Like the stars at night.
You are irreplaceable....
441 · Feb 2019
Sophie Feb 2019
As I sit besides the river,
I pray you throw me in
Throw me right in
I promise I'll float
Push me down
Tie a rock to my feet
I promise I'll float
Deep down
Deeper down
I promise I'll float
Losing breath
Losing stance
But I'll float
I promise
I will float

But if I don't float
I'll sit at the bottom
Staring at dirt
Anything better than up there
I'll open up all I have hidden
Nobody will judge me
Nobody will know

So throw me in the river
Do not hesitate
Do not think twice
I promise I'll float
Anywhere but here
413 · Nov 2019
Courage to run
Sophie Nov 2019
Did you hear of the girl
That ran away with her Lover?

Did you hear of the spark they caused
When it was all over?

Did you wish it was you?
Behind the curtains,
You watched as they lived out their perfect life..

I wished it was me
Hearts racing fast
Into the deep of the woods
Alone we are at last

Nothing can stop us
No mountain can block us
The rivers will steer us

I wish it was me
Me and my lover...
One minute i'll throw all care into the wind and the next i'm trying to get it back.
379 · Mar 2019
I can't Sleep
Sophie Mar 2019
I just want to know,
Do you miss me the way I miss you
and do you think of me....
The way I think of you...
377 · Jun 2018
Your move
Sophie Jun 2018
We've been on this road
Infact a million times
You said you wanted me
You say i'm acting shy
But i am standing here
Here  for you all day
But you say i'm acting shy
I give you all my time
But you say i'm acting shy
What do you want me to be?
What do you want me to say?
I've been with you all my life
And all you do is point the finger at me
And say i'm acting shy
Why don't you make a move?
Why won't you catch me?
Why can't you tell me you want me even now?
Because all you have ever done is blame me for being shy
But i'm standing here
For you to make a move.
I won't wait forever
366 · Jun 2018
When the Captain Dies.
Sophie Jun 2018
We shall rule, when the Captain dies,
We know and we believe,
As we wait patiently,
As we plan carefully.

When the Captain  dies, we shall rule,
We have taken in more,
More than we can condone,
But we will not lash out,
We shall rule, when the Captain dies.

We shall rule, when the Captain dies,
No one will accuse us,
No one will think it is us,
Because they can not see our hearts,
And we have served with our blood,
And with smiles on our faces,
When the Captain dies, we shall rule,
We deserve to rule,
The Captain will have to die,
For us to rule,
We shall rule, when the Captain dies.

We shall rule, when the captain dies,
They say,
But there can only be one Captain,
Who will be the Captain?
If we all want to rule,
We shall know the answer,
When the poor Captain dies,
Because as we secretly chant,

When the Captain dies, we shall rule.
356 · Apr 2019
Sophie Apr 2019
What is normal?
After you've left
Normal was rolling into your arms
Normal was talking till 2am
Normal was whispering and shouting
Normal was holding hands, running in the rain
They say things will go back to normal
Very soon, they promised
My normal
The only normal I'm used to
Was loving you
342 · Feb 2019
Alone without you
Sophie Feb 2019
I hate you Arnold shortman!
I hate how you make me feel
Alone without you
I hate that I think about you
Every minute
Every hour
Every passing day

I hate that I dream of you
I hate that I need you
I hate that I want you
Alone without you

I hate that you love me
It means I have to love you back
I wrote the poem down, thinking of whose name to use as my love interest and i remembered the Nickelodeon cartoon 'Hey Arnold'. Helga Partaki's obession with the short and witty Arnold shortman.. In my case Arnold did love Helga.
321 · Jan 2019
Sophie Jan 2019
He didn't come to stay
Wasn't built that way
He didn't have the ability to,
He didn't believe he had to,
I saw it in his eyes, the way he looked at me,
Loving but lost.
I saw it in the way he held me,
Tight, firm, as if for dear life
I saw it in his sleep,
He wrestled the spirits that kept him abay,
I felt it in his touch,
Like sweet breeze, it didn't remain
And I felt it in what he did,

I know you did not come to stay
But I haved embraced you still
My smiles and kisses
A beautiful memory
When you leave.
He belongs to the wind, don't try to keep him
310 · May 2019
Sophie May 2019
Hurt people hurt other people
You didn't hurt me
So I won't hurt you
We were hurt by other people
But we won't hurt other people
301 · Apr 2019
Sophie Apr 2019
As i watched you leave
I wish you stayed
As i try to live without you
I feel the ache
In my heart
As if unconsciously
A piece of me has been taken
My heart it aches
And as i try to live this life of mine
I feel torn apart everyday

You took a piece of me when you left
And i want it back!!
I want my sanity back!
Give me my heart!!
Building walls to protect that which needs to be free
285 · Jan 2019
Sophie Jan 2019
You are to me
Like rain
You come and I feel you on me
You come and you flow through me
You come and happiness is for me
Sweet rain
But like rain
You will leave
And i will find a way to live without you
285 · Aug 2018
Begin Again
Sophie Aug 2018
Our past has done so much to us,
We are only left with memories.
What was,
What would have been,
What should have been.

Our past has done so much to us
Kept us on a leash
We are afraid to do anything
We are afraid to love again
We are afraid to trust again
Too scared to repeat again
Too scared to be again
Why should i Begin Again?
278 · Jan 2019
It's Ripening
Sophie Jan 2019
I feel you inside me
I know you will hide me
This difference will fight me
But the feeling is ripening
I know
I know, i know
It's true they say that you will never like me,
I know
The truth
So far the truth will never scare me
Because i feel you inside me
I believe that you will have me
And i know in you
The feeling is ripening.
Loves comes slowly
276 · Jun 2018
Sophie Jun 2018
Have you ever loved someone that didn't love you back?
Have you ever loved someone who loved you when it was just both of you?
Have you ever loved someone that didn't know you existed?
Have you ever loved someone that hated you?
Have you ever loved someone that loved someone else?
Have you ever loved someone that thought you loved someone else?
Have you loved someone that was far away?
Have you ever loved someone that has past away?
Have you ever loved someone that you are not suppose to love?
I see we have all loved that way and that way and that and that....
I see we are all caught in some kind of web.
276 · Apr 2019
Sophie Apr 2019
He said goodnight
But he didn't leave
He stayed
272 · Jun 2018
Sophie Jun 2018
I broke my leg the other day
It feels like everything in me is broken
I cannot stand
I cannot walk
I cannot do what everyone else does
Never felt so vulnerable
Never felt so weak
I cannot 'walk away' like everybody does
I cannot "stand up' for my rights like everybody does
I cannot 'run to safety' like everybody does
I cannot 'move on' like everybody does
Atleast no one will force me to 'walk  the blank' like everyone does
Why do i feel like my whole life is done for
I just broke a leg...
I will bless the day i begin to walk again..
265 · May 2019
I met you
Sophie May 2019
And as I pushed myself below
To drown myself in my sorrow
I met you
You held me and brought me out
You held me soo close
Soo close you didn't let go
I met you
When everybody else was too afraid
You loved me
Every part of me I lost in loving others
You gave me double
You love me like I am a part of you
Love like I've never felt in a long while

As I pushed myself below
Hoping to drown myself in my sorrow
I met you
Thank you for loving me
The way no one else can
In love again
254 · Aug 2019
In this moment
Sophie Aug 2019
In this moment
I am happy
In this moment
I am satisfied
I stare at the sun rolling in green pasture
A sip from the still water I've been walking beside
I could ask for more
I will ask for more
In this moment
This quiet, carefree moment
This insignificant moment
I am happy
Joyful I believe
I could spend my whole day listing all the things I don't have; the list would be endless. But today I feel joyful for no reason. This is the moment I am free
254 · May 2019
Hopeless romantic #1
Sophie May 2019
I fight with the voices in my head
They keep throwing stones
They keep calling me weak
               "All your poems about love!"
And you are  still alone
            That I don't deserve love
" it's not for the weak!"
I know there are a thousand things to write poetry about but i'm drawn to love. I love to write about love. Does that make me weak?
247 · May 2019
His Story
Sophie May 2019
There is so much he feels
He hides it in his heart
Lost in his heart
He should write about it
He should let it out
I have learnt that there is so much to say, to let out...
Remove the burdens that you bear
Let me listen to your heart
Let me feel you through your words
He feels so much
He hides it with a smile
He hides it with loneliness
He should write about it
He should let it out.
Dedicated to a ****** that I know. He hides everything inside when he should set them free.
246 · Nov 2019
I can't wait anymore
Sophie Nov 2019
I don't know if I can wait..
For you to want me
I don't know if I can wait...
For you to see me
I don't know if I can wait...
For you to love me
    I don't know if I can wait

I've been waiting
And I've been praying

But this waiting is killing me
And this praying is breaking me

I don't want to wait
I'm tired of waiting!
               I want love NOW!!!
I'm tired...
245 · Apr 2019
Too late to be awake
Sophie Apr 2019
I laid in bed
Couldn't sleep
It wasn't the heat
I already showered twice
It wasn't the heat
Gentle breeze raising me up and bring me down
It wasn't the heat
I already felt cold inside
I missed you
I felt your absence in the heat
In the breeze
In the cold even with the heat
Rolling over
Rolling sober
I didn't miss you
I missed the way you made me feel
Like gentle breeze, raising me up and bringing me down
Like the heat, overtaking every inch of me
It wasn't you
It was the feeling
Then I realised
It is **** too late to be awake
Thinking over what can be replaced.
I am Unique but not irreplaceable
243 · Nov 2019
The same wavelength....
Sophie Nov 2019
Your name is inscribed in my heart
Your voice is second to my hearing
Your being belongs to me
As my being belongs to you
I don't so much believe is soulmates but I do believe that there are people you connect with and it's just a beautiful symphony....
241 · Mar 2019
I wonder
Sophie Mar 2019
Why were we created with the need for another mortal?
Another mortal as foolish as we are...
To play the part of god and try to answer questions is to walk the trail that leads to madness...
230 · Oct 2019
I'm guilty
Sophie Oct 2019
I'm guilty!

I said it
I did it
I shouldn't have said it
I shouldn't have done it
I saw it
I believed it
I assumed it
I forgot it
I kept it
Didn't  forgive it
Didn't react to it

I'm guilty
I accept it

I'm guilty and I'm tired
Now let me be...
Zero energy to defend myself...
230 · Jun 2018
Sophie Jun 2018
Do you know that when i say "i love you" i mean it?
That when i call you, it means i miss you.
That when i hug you i just want to smell you and feel your warmth...
I know that there are a lot of fakers, pretenders, gold diggers, abusers and users.
This is not me pretending
This is me loving you
Too bad i can't fake that ...
221 · Jul 2018
Sophie Jul 2018
Put on my earpiece nothing playing but i'm singing to myself.
I feel so strong and yet so weak.
I want to cry but i promised myself that last time would be the last.
I want to scream
Scream on the inside
Cry till i'm alright
Alone alone alone....
Like she said
No tear left to cry...
219 · Mar 2019
Sophie Mar 2019
I have come to be the jest
The rich and proud say I'm the best
I have come to give you rest
Prepare your hearts
A place to nest
I have come so take your shot
Aim and press
Inside I cry
Outside I smile
Isn't that what is expected from a clown?
211 · Jul 2018
Born for everybody
Sophie Jul 2018
I wish i could stop worrying about what people thought of me
Will they like my dress?
Will they like my posts?
Will they think i'm too needy?
Will they think i'm too proud?
Will they think i'm too blunt?
Will they think my skirt is too short?
Will they think my skirt is too long?
Will they like my new car?
Will they like my boyfriend?
Will they think i'm too slim?
Will they think i eat too much?
Will they think i make a lot of money?
Will they think i'm too poor?
Will they think i deserve this?
Will they like me now that i'm abroad?
I unconsciously ask myself these questions..
I unconsciously create a life that others will like
I lock myself away
Who cares what i think?
Let's live to please others shall we!
210 · Jun 2019
Broken pieces
Sophie Jun 2019
You are a little broken too
I see you pick all the shards
Tryna Fix 'em with glue
You see that I'm broken too
You help me up my shards
And you hand me some glue

Broken pieces
Hiding behind our smile
Broken pieces
Let me fix you as I watch you fix me too.
Song lyrics i just came up with, makes good poetry too.
202 · Mar 2019
With you
Sophie Mar 2019
With you is ice cream and cookies

With you is lovely evenings

With you is laughter fest

With you is crazy me -unfiltered

With you is safe and happy

I wish
I wish
I find a you is someone else
197 · Dec 2020
Under the mistletoe
Sophie Dec 2020
I can't wait to meet you
To see you
To hold your hand..
I close my eyes and imagine it

I can't wait to be with you
To feel your skin next to mine
To take in your smile
I close my eyes and pray

I miss you
Babe, I don't know if it's because I just watched a romcom but I miss you so dearly. ❤️❤️❤️
185 · Apr 2019
Sophie Apr 2019
I held your hands
In that moment I had a glimpse
Of what you could use your hands
To do
To me...
183 · Jul 2019
Sophie Jul 2019
He said I was his slice of heaven
I sit here crying
Begging my soul to love him
As much as he loves me
But I can't
I can't make myself love you
And I'm sorry.
183 · Oct 2019
Let me write!
Sophie Oct 2019
What do you want from me?
Let me write what I feel
Only paper listens to me...
This my way out
This is my only way in...

I beg you let me be
Ignore me if that's what will set you free...
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