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Whirling as the wind
Soothing as the breeze
Cold as ice
Tense all the time
Chills all over her skin
A little warmth is what she needs
Another drop from the sky
And blankets are all over her skin
No words can air out this grief
Hurting like flesh is under a furnace
Wanting to go back but its impossible
Since everything seems destroyed beyond repair
Easter egg
I found you by the river in a basket
It reminded me of Moses'story
Like you are here to liberate us from slavery
There was something about your beauty I couldn't fight
A sweet mellow played on as we locked eyes
A flash of light that opened the skies came from your skin
Like  you are not a born of this world
Almost made my eyes blind
Like you are a magic stone I should use to turn my life around
So here's the thing
What's your name?
What's your story?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Can we date?
I can sing, I can write how about you?
Smiles shying from my sight
Leaves me in wonder and asking more
Are you an angel
She said,
"Maybe so behave.
Only here to tell you a king from the tribe of David will die today and resurrect after three days.
So give your life to Christ and nothing will be the same again"
And then she disappeared.
Her chorus still lingers in my ears.
So exalt his name for he's here to change your life and your sins are forgiven and forgotten
Happy Easter holidays
I don't want love for the wrong reasons
Just to get over you
I want to have a different taste of the champagne that love could pour me
I want to get drunk in love that I only say her name and not yours
I want to make new memories and  let go of ones we had
I don't want to fail her like I did with you
I want to make her the happiest girl in this world
So please get out of my head
For the space in my heart that once belonged to you is now filled with her and there no turning back
Moving on seems hard but I guess if you do, never look back
you move on for real
Deeply asleep
My head on the pillow
That's when you got into my head
Designed a world so beautiful and splendid
I could tell you had read my thoughts and were granting my wish
To make me the luckiest man in the neighbourhood
Blessing me with this serene girl that had all men vying for her attention
She was that art piece at the exhibition that caught everyone's eye
As for me, she caught my everything
I guess, I wanted to jump on a horse and run away with her and never be found
She was the princess I knew would be queen one day
I felt I was unworthy being her king
I wore rugs and wasn't the dashing type
As for me, she had a great fashion flair
She was impeccable no doubt
Probably the perfect score to turn my life around
I love her with no reason
For I believed there would come a season
For me to hold her hand in church one day and never look back
Because then my beautiful dream would have come true
Hope always yields
Holding onto this dream and know it will come true
Knock knock
Fortune knocked at my door one time
I let the stranger in without knowing his name
He said he had walked all through the town looking for me and almost gave up
Somehow he had my address and found me
We had a beautiful conversation
He looked tired and had a lot of luggage that I didn't know how he carried
It was definitely heavy
At first, I was scared that maybe he was carrying a bomb
He turned to my sight and told me "I have a package for you"
In it were blessings
Keys to rooms with everything I wished for
He then said his goodbye and left
I'm just glad I answered the door when the doorbell rang
Everything you desire will surely come to you one day
Just be hopeful and patient
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