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 Aug 2015 BoF
1.I miss the way you laughed at my singing because you felt I always "tried too hard."

2. I miss you giving me the cold shoulder. It meant you cared. But now it means something else.

3. I miss how awake and alert you are in the morning. I miss pushing you and your too much energy self off because I wasn't awake enough yet.

4. I miss your sarcastic jokes that were always followed by a hug and a "I love you" with a chuckle.

5. I miss how silly our conversations were. We talked about everything and anything. You would say "How the hell did the universe come up with you?"

6. I miss the more deep conversations. You looked at the ground while my fingertips drew circles on your back. Your eyes would close and you slowed your breathing. I miss the stillness and that silence. Theres nothing I wouldn't give to trade this silence for that silence.

7. I miss the play fighting. I remember one time someone said "At first, I thought you guys were being serious but then I saw the way he looked at you." If only you could look at me like that again. Like nothing else mattered.

8. I miss your arms and the way it made me feel like I spent all of my life being in the wrong places. The only place, the one place, I belonged was in your arms.

9. I miss your awful jokes. I miss laughing not because I thought it was funny but because you said it and nothing made my heart feel more joy than you.

10. I miss you. I miss the amount of pride I felt standing next to you. I miss the fighting and the screaming and the slamming doors and the making up and the heartache and the pain. It was everything and nothing. It was painful but wonderful. It was all that I imagined love to be. I can't seem to say goodbye but I know you want me to.
I break everything I touch and maybe that is why this never worked.
 May 2015 BoF
Oh No, Little One.
 May 2015 BoF
I used to be obsessed with
Those tiny, willowy, broken girls.
The ones with the sad eyes
And the drug habits.

But I look at your pictures
And I just get nauseous.

This doesn't suite you.
He doesn't suite you.
None of this suites you.

Remember when we needed each other?
Things were so ****** up,
But you looked so much healthier.
 May 2015 BoF
Jason Cirkovic
It seems like it was coming to the end
Judging by your assumptions
I could tell
By the long silences
That pierced the air
The same air
That you thought
Was filled with love
When we were looking down
On the earth
Yes those days
When I thought
I ruled the world
We held the stars
By our palms
Sprinkling the innocence
Into every corner
Of the darkness,
Trying to find the light
On this earth

Yet like all stars,
Loves burns out
Into ashes
Sprinkled into the sea

I learned that
By the reaction you gave
When he held your hand
Tighter than I ever could

You were strangely less in pain
Than you were ice.
You were triumphant in your mind
Of the logic
That you hold seemed right.

Where did you go?
Thats all I ask sadly
My friends tell me
To leave my baggage behind
Yet I can't seem
To take the bags
You left on my eyes

The sleepless nights
Was the only warmth
To keep away from snow
I was buried
I ate from the crumbs
You left from my stubbornness
My heart had no map
To find the mistakes
I made with you

Where are you now?
So I can ask why?
You launched me
Off my throne
Into the ground.
You were cold.
Like the dirt on the grown.
You never eased the blow.

Where are you now?
I cry whenever someone mentions farms
Imagining you back
Into your orchard
Of veins you crawled under.

Where are you now?
Are you haunted
By the silence
Of looking at we did

These stars are memories
To remind me
To never lend my hand out.
Because people like you
Will just drag me
In with them.

Pages of calendars have turned
Yet I hear your stories
Stories of your smile
And your frown
 May 2015 BoF
Sameer Denzi
 May 2015 BoF
Sameer Denzi
It was a day in the village, like any other day
The sun was bright, the ground was baked.
A man came wandering down the dusty way -
His face was wrinkled, his clothes were soiled,
And under the big banyan tree he sat himself.
Seduced by the shade and weighed by fatigue
He fell fast asleep, with his hunger growling.
A farmer passing by felt pity for the man,
And left him a portion of his noon-day bread.

As the farmer dug deep, later on that day,
His barren field would yield a *** of gold!
In delirious disbelief, he took it to his wife.
The word spread like fire: near, far and wide.
A crowd soon gathered to envy and inquire -
“What did you do dear man, to deserve the ***?”
Thinking back to the events that day, he said -
“I gave an old man under the tree my bread.”
“He must be a wandering wizard!” they said.

The man awoke to see the bread, later that day.
Thankful and pleased he began to eat it away.
Soon it was gone, but his hunger still lingered
And it growled in anger  - “give me more bread!”
Just then he saw a mob approaching ominously;
“They'll lynch me, for they think I stole the bread!”
The mob duly arrived, but carrying more bread.
They jostled each other to solicit the old man -
*“Take my bread and give me a *** of gold instead!”
What happened?
 May 2015 BoF
Sexy (10 W)
 May 2015 BoF
''You can still look **** without potraying *** in pictures''
 May 2015 BoF
 May 2015 BoF
The day I learnt I was broken
I didn’t cry at all,
Instead a laugh escaped my lips,
As I leaned against a wall
and laughed and laughed
as I began to fall.

The day I learnt I was broken,
I started to look around,
But I saw nothing,
Didn’t even hear a single sound.

The day I learnt I was broken,
I didn’t have anyone.
Not a single person to turn to,
No one could be found.

The day I learnt I was broken,
I also learnt that I was alone.
                 With no friends, no heart and no place to call home.
 May 2015 BoF
Soul Bruised
 May 2015 BoF
You asked me if I believed in soul mates,
If I believed that there was someone out there
Meant for me
Who isn’t you.

I asked you if you believed in destiny,
If fate somehow brought us together,
You nodded and laughed
Mocking me for believing that fate was real.

I told you the Truth, Darling.
I didn’t believe in fate,
Neither did I in soul mates.
I didn’t believe in what I thought was

Then I laid my eyes on you,
Saw the way your eyes crinkled
When you smiled,
Saw how my heart kept racing a million miles,
I knew I couldn’t get you out of my head,
Not even if I Tried.

That’s when I knew,
I was always destined to be with you.

Fate isn’t my friend, my darling,
It puts me in a constant state of aching.
Because I know that you’re meant for me,
But I’m not meant for you.
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