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 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Joe Workman
Don't despair
just because your dreams are dead stars.
Folks care,
and some have been where you are.
It's not fair,
but that's life, my friend.
You share
your feelings on a website.
You're bare,
but the words aren't coming out right.
joy will find you in the end.

Take a breath,
shake it out.
Strife, then death;
life is doubt.
Feel your heart.
Steel your heart.

You stare,
but it's confusing, all this new art.
feels safer than your own dark.
of all this love I try to send.
Light is there
even when you're falling apart.
Truth and dare
is life as lived from the heart.
But beware:
unfettered hearts are hard to bend.
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
There is nothing about tomorrow,  
That today can't be.
There is nothing about today,
That tomorrow can't end.
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Eshwara Prasad
Life is an unscripted movie.
Act well in the current scene.
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Samantha Cunha
We died a million times
beneath the destructive
celestial bodies.

You, reborn with a
glint in your eyes & the vast,
cosmic darkness
carried only by
the heavy nights.

We died a million
times, what's
another night?

Me, reborn with haunted

we died a million
times, what's another night?
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Megan H
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Megan H
Is a poet still a poet
If they do not write?

A journal gathering dust,
But a yearning to write.
Am I still a poet
Without my inner light?
I'm sorry I haven't written a while! Love you all
A friend of mine told me
I write when I’m sad
She said it is as if I am in pain
And I said when I write it rains
When I put the pen on paper the clouds get dark
And when I stop
The birds of the sky sings
Coming out to play as the sun is out
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
Phoenix Rising
I am haunted:
Not by poltergeist,
but by my unlived lives.
Parallel universes
won't ever speak,
they took an oath
to keep from me.
I have words and voices
humming in my head
that will never be met
outside of my bed.
I have to accept
I cannot have it all,
I have to accept
knowing nothing at all.
Like a fool that given up control.
There comes a time?
When you must assume control?

No longer can I be, what you want me to be?
No longer can I do, what you want me to do?
No longer can I run away just because you said, it's the best way.
For, I got to be me-I got to be free.

I got to take control and decide where I want to go?
I got to take control and decide what I want to do?

Because I got to be me.-I will rather be my own fool.

You have told me too long, what to say?
Now I'm taking this control back.
Cause I got to be me.

Got to be
Got to be
Got to be me
 Nov 2020 Anugraha
nvinn fonia
Look for me, Mom, I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes, Mom, you'll see me."
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