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 Sep 2018 Andy Felix
 Sep 2018 Andy Felix
El domingo, el día en el que esto de la soledad me afecta más, extraño las risas, el calor de otras personas, la voces mezcladas con la música, el olor del cigarrillo, despertar en un cuarto donde dormiamos todos amontonados.

Hace unos cuantos meses que me volví un animal que no sale de su cueva, en un largo letargo del que parece no haber escapatoria, las memorias se amotonan en los ojos en estado líquido sin que pueda controlarlas.

Extraño esa época en la que mi única preocupación era tener suficiente dinero en los bolsillos para fumarme un cigarrillo en el terminal mientras esperaba por un bus que me llevaría a donde era feliz.
Sing a little off key
That's alright
Your song is still beautiful
I dont mind
As long as your happy
Sing away
I could get used to some off key
So sing a little off key
That's alright
As long as your smile
Reaches your eyes
I'll listen to you
Sing til you turn blue
Dont you know it makes you


You sing a little off key
It's true
I'd love to sing a little off key
With you
 Aug 2018 Andy Felix
The Art of Stealing Hearts-
A curse of the purest kind.
I mistook myself for the divine.
Now I lay on the corpses of who my suitors once were,
as part of the history as every single one of them.
I lay still atop,
with a knife slit through my chest,
and a drop of regret in my eyes.
Little had I realised,
whilst I slaughtered your love like
every single one of theirs,
that your heart had mine in it.
And I carved it out with a lonesome bloodied knife,
And now I lay here still,
The curse was probably never about stealing hearts,
It was maybe about letting mine be stolen with yours.
Every. Single. Time.
Dedicated to my toxicity...
 Jun 2018 Andy Felix
 Jun 2018 Andy Felix
She said
“all that matters is what's inside”
and despite her best intentions
She might never realize
what a punch in the face
that sentence was
oh god, please
be superficial to me
judge my hair, my face,
the curve of my hips,
my double chin and my ***
oh god, I beg you
be superficial to me
because when you will look inside me
the things you will find
will be ****** guts
filled with feces
and undigested past
oh for Christ's sake
be brutally superficial to me
because when you will move all of my guts away
when you will dig deep down
prune your way through
you will find out that I've got a demon inside
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