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Trefild Nov 2019
there's one date I don't freaking celebrate
and even sort of hate
to perceive a certain day of a certain month
every year as a birthday?
frig it, no **** way; there is only one
such day, & mine is a lot behind
that date is just a bitter reminder, do not be blind
with every next year after an actual birthday
it's more & more just a "becoming old" day
that's to keep in mind
you, of course, are free to treat these lines
as some pessimistic whine
but don't think that thinking the way I do isn't right
as it isn't about "right/not right"
it's about point of view
after all, you have your own, don't you?
Trefild Oct 2019
gracious! stop not (stop not)
smoking hot looking, got my jaw dropped (beauty)
eyes fixed on her peach, she's hot, hot (hot)
putting my hand forth to clutch that ****
she moved on from wining to fondling, she's eager
such a luscious body, killer figure (body)
as a top, a low-cut neckline tank, as a bottom, tight pants
she says: "give me a time that's mind-piercing, thrill me to pieces"
the chick is so alluring
watching her move to unholy-a## music (dope)
but there's a bit of a mourning to it (morning)
awakened with a thought reading "***** being you"
[a wake and]
I'm a bit ashamed of my imagination, but I couldn't help it.
Trefild Aug 2019
roses are red, though they're dead
violets are blue, although dead too
stop reading this kind of stuff &
rather start doing something useful instead
or you've got nothing
worthier to do❓
roses aren't exclusively red
as well as violets aren't unalternatively blue
for your information
[who would have thought...]
but let people make some
more cookie-cutter rhymes while not taking
it into consideration
if I have to choose roses
I would prefer onyx ones
plus, I think they would've looked dope as
being engraved on some firearms
as for violets, they aren't much of my type
but maybe to someone else, they set some kind of vibe

— The End —