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I hate you so please never ever come across
Otherwise you will have the taste of relation
And I will forget about the benefit or the loss
You do not know me you do not know passion

Do you think I will spare you but never ever
Test me, my patience otherwise you will have
How I am vigilant with my relentless endure
I do not take any rest to abreast and to salve

My enemy but I will never ever attack on back
I will face you always from the front to confront
My faith dictates me to do justice in cul-de-sac
I am frank, straightforward and ready for affront

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
A web of terror would know quaintness  
in their crêpe variety where a spider grew angrier
only silk woven blouse blest bats
why darts inside heads if their tough regimen were slime
and never really frittered away an hour at bay.

— The End —