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Something Simple
To be honest I am something but nothing Everywhere and nowhere Amorphous, free falling, solid Tangible, intangible Beyond comprehension A Shape Nothing more Simple Things ...


The Good Pussy May 2015
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Hunter Aldrich Dec 2017
Simple brown hair that reaches just above her broad shoulders.
Simple green eyes that are glazed over looking for adventure, and tears that were kept on her pillow.
A simple curvy body that isn’t petite but isn’t round.
Simple clothing that is sized too big, hiding her insecurities and scars for many years.
Simple hands that help her make her ideas come to life.
Simple feet rhythmically hit the ground to a beat of her creation.
Simple mind that has held many thoughts, the good and the bad.
A simple face that displays her simple green eyes and freckles that dance around her nose and cheeks.
Simple lips that have sung with love and determination, explained her thoughts, admitted to love and a smile.
Her simple smile that is loved, a simple smile that she gives to others.
A simple smile that can turn a bad day better.
Her simple face brightens the day with every glance.
Her simple green eyes that dance and sparkle in the light she gives.
Her simple brown hair that is tucked behind her ear when she’s nervous.
Her simple curvy body that has shown others that you can be beautiful no matter the size.
Her simple hands that have made beautiful creations that give others hope, that has held the hands of the broken keeping them safe.
Her simple feet that have danced around her room and have created beats.
Her simple mind that has given others hope as well as herself that everything will be okay.
A simple girl that is anything but simple.
A simple girl that is anything but normal, she is unique but broken.
She is trying but struggling.
She loves and is loved.
A simple girl that has dreamed of adventure.
A simple girl living her life as if it’s her last day.
A simple green-eyed, brown hair, freckled girl who has hope.