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Riley Lavender
Round Rock, TX    "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ---Robert Frost I published my first book of poetry several ...
Lavender Menace
18/F/A Loveless World    Your Local Mary Shelly X Sappho Enthusiast


Erika Gibson Feb 22
Lavender bubbles that float in lavender baths.
Lavender bubbles that slither and writhe in lavender water.
Lavender bubbles that wrap their tails around lavender limbs.
Lavender bubbles that pull you under lavender waves.
Lavender bubbles that sink in their lavender fangs.
Lavender bubbles that fill your lungs with lavender venom.

Lavender bubbles that deceive in lavender ways.
My lavender is burnt and loveless;
Painful, devoured and helpless,
Weak by the side of its dying corpse;
Solitary yet at an age so young.

My lavender cries in its daydreams;
Giggles in sorrowful screams,
And faints and dies beneath fun daylight;
As though tortured and wounded by the sun.

My lavender wriggles in isolation;
Like those ragged clothes in damnation
And there's no more death between heaven and hell--
For none is alive, nor breathes to live.

My lavender longs not to drink nor die;
But it sleeps by the hushed setting moon,
Trapped behind the tail of his lethal winds;
Blinded by too many mysteries, unseen.

My lavender peels its own skinny bones;
Its quaint lust cut and fiercely torn,
Teased by the cold trees of summertime;
Faded by the sweet whispers of time.

My lavender eats its own bloodless veins;
And its hateful friendless world,
Having laughed at anonymous walls
Marveled at unspoken poems.

My lavender drinks of its own soul;
And to love now is but to have none,
With her autumn love stolen by fate;
All her gripping sonnets are far too late.