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Amanda Goodness
Boston    This is my poetic journal. My poems are here.


The son came to his father
and with tears in his eyes
he said “my soul is ruined,
and my heart has faced demise.”
The father said “my son, there is
a light you must pursue,
A wisp deep in the forest,
that dwells amongst the dew.

Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The lad went on his mission,
yet even at the start
the thorns of sloth beset him and
they tore his legs apart.
But still, his body bleeding and
his feet being weighed with lead,
he pushed on, persevering,
these words held in his head:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

And so he journeyed onward,
yet in his path there lay
the fiery beast of fearing that
did wrathfully buck and bray
it roared and charged our hero,
its horns did pierce his chest.
Yet through the pain he struck the beast
these words clove through it’s breast:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

So still the lad went onward,
yet who should he now find
but the wagging tongue of mocking
to place doubt in his mind.
Yet though all nerve and sinew
in his arms did melt away
his mind was ever focused
for these words did he say:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

All hope he had forgotten,
yet lo and yet behold
the shining Truth and Goodness
of which he had been told.
He forced his arms to outstretch and
his legs the pain withstand.
He grabbed the Truth and Goodness as
he whispered to his hand:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

And there he stood, a-trembling,
his strength was all but gone.
His life was quickly fading
but yet - the deed was done!
The Truth and Goodness’ light shone as
its power filled his soul.
And as his strength redoubled
it spake these words in full:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The wagging tongue was nothing
as its words fell on deaf ears.
The beast of fearing feared, for
our hero knew no fears.
The thorns of sloth were burning as
the flame of truth shone bright
and though the night brought darkness,
these words shone as his light:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The lad said “Oh my father,
my heart now knows no tears.
I’ve shuffled off my doubting
and I’ve left behind my fears.
No sloth can ever slow me,
my eyes see through the night,
for Truth and Goodness guide me as
my everlasting light.”

Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.

Clear water without a hint of discoloring
Free from anything however small floating inside
What is the purity of your kindness
Can goodness be tainted?
Although the outcome is wholesome
Do motivations lessen the good of goodness?

Selfish "Good"

How good is goodness
If goodness is conditional?
If all the good I ever do
Is to get something back
If I neglect those with nothing to offer
And bargain with those who'll do anything for help?
A desperate cry to my ears sounds the same
As coins clinking while they form a pile
As the shuffling of bills
With every "good" deed
My heart races as the weight of debts owed to me grows

Obligatory Goodness

When the pure water of a good act
Is used to put out eternal fire
Done not because I love you
But to appease my angry master
Under threat of hell, how can my motivation remain pure?
If good people is what the master wants
Why even muddy the waters with goodness under threat?
Unless it's not about good people
But about having people that can be controlled
Monopolizing on man's fear of the unknown
To create slaves that will shackle themselves
For the illusion of safety
And to be free of the burden of thinking

The Good Face

How good are good acts
Done merely to preserve an image?
To stay in people's good favors?
To be praised for your selflessness?
Like the good that asks for something in return
And the one that comes from fear
If being good was not rewarded
Would you still seek it out?
You can't help if people praise you
For doing what anyone should
But you can help if that's what drives you
If you save all your goodness for the spotlight

For Goodness Sake

I saw you hurting
Your face was not that of a stranger's
Because although I've never met you
I know you.
You're me, if all our circumstances switched
I'm just as human as you
There are no main characters here
It only feels that way because ours are the only thoughts we hear
But you're no different than me.
We're all only people
But I have the ability to help
And so I will.
I don't need to be seen
I don't need you to repay me
I'm not afraid of any religion's hells
I just have compassion for you, fellow human.
Unconditional love is the heart of pure goodness
The heart of goodness for goodness sake.
74 lines, 324 days left.
I woke this morning, inevitably,
(Thank goodness), and air rushed into my chest.
I thought not of life, invariably,
But the joy (thank goodness) gives me no rest.

I woke up and I fell in love again,
With a woman who (thank goodness) loves me.
Heartbeats and breath are no comparison
To a lover (thank goodness) fine as she.

No sooner had the sunlight hit my face
I woke (thank goodness) ever more full of love.
While life as its own reward has its place,
I’ve her in my life (thank goodness) above.

Each morning I fall in love more deeply,
Waking up (thank goodness) to have the chance.
New day new chance for this love to greet me
With life (thank goodness) and also romance.
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