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Of bruises & invisible scars. Est. 1995
Los Angeles    19 year old writer with a destination to nowhere


Fall is here
With it comes colour
and dread

Not dread from having to rake
Not dread because another year slipped away
Not dread because the kids are back to school
Dread because Christmas is coming

Dread because you haven't taken down the lights
Dread because you haven't checked the lights

Dread because you haven't got your cards ready to send
Dread because you need to update address lists
Dread because you're hosting dinner and aren't ready
Dread because you don't know who is bringing what
Dread because you can't trust everyone to bring the right stuff

Dread because you haven't got sizes for everyone for gifts
Dread because you need paper, and ribbons and bows
Dread because the 3 spirits haven't visited yet
Dread because you haven't been to buy the spirits yet
Dread because you don't know how big a bird to get
Dread because you don't know if it should be goose or turkey
Dread because your son is bringing his vegetarian "friend"
Dread because you don't know if the "friend" is male or female and you've met twice already

Dread because your'e not ready for Christmas
and it's ONLY SEPTEMBER 3 !!!
As opposed to all of my other work....this doesn't rhyme
It's just a series of thoughts....on dread
Derrek Estrella Oct 2018
Oh, dread dread dread Drella dread
All I do is dread
This climate’s ******
Dread dread dread
I must only dread
And dread only for the human

My ancestors can scream
They, being right in doing so
Are stroked and adored
Everybody dreads in shades of blue
What can I be if I dread too?
The idea is sore, oh so sore

Dread dread dread
This era dreads and is dreaded
I see life, I don’t taste it
Dread dread dread
All we may do is dread
Nothing to be said

But words of the fed
The led
The wed
The dead
Luminosity Cat Mar 2014
Drip. Drop. Drop. Drip.
Drops fall like rain from my tearstained eye.
I cannot hide.
There is not a soul in sight, but I dread the coming ghosts that hide in the night.
I run not from the ghosts themselves, but my past, that so haunts me like a parasite that infest in ones soul relishing on crazed minds!
I dread the waking dead.
The cells that captivate the soul into dread.
No guards stand watch over my cell of dread, but they aren’t needed!
I have no way of escaping my captors that rage the wars that festers inside my head!
Where can I run?! Where can I escape the waking dead!?
Tricky is the mind.
My perplexed mind plays tricks on even the sliest of people.
“Dread. Dread. Dread,” Echoes through my mind - perplexing me to dread even farther!
Until… Silence...
My tearstained eyes drip, drop, drop, drip no more.
My mind ceases to implement dreadful parasites that fester in my mind.
My mind ceases to work. The waking dead has caught up with me.
They had driven my crazed soul unto death.
No air filled my lungs.
Just... Silence.
I warn you -
When the dreadful night no longer wakes,
When thy sleep comes shy,
when terror turns to horror,
When thy tears fall while you dread the dead
Shackles will come to bind you in your parasite infested mind.
The parasites then will fester in your crazed mind.
Until… Silence reaches across your tearstained mind.
I posted this on my old account before I deleted it for a while. Its one of the favorite's I've written, so I'm posting it again. Enjoy!