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LR Thompson Mar 31
The beach blows cold
Without your warmth

The light of whose smile
Brightens the darkened horizon

Sol, your comfort
During turbulent wakes
Rises with you

Silent shimmers shining
Early morning waves
Where you sit to bask
In the eyes of your equal

You, the Terrarian Sun
Stare back in wonder
As the undefeated ascends
Above the clouds

Projecting a carousel
Of shifting shapes
In contrast

Each a day in the life
For all the days you lived

A horizontal panorama of you
At peace

Something so desperately sought
On those white sand shores

Now, so far away

As all suns must set

Yet ever in their passing
Paint the sky
In colorful remembrance

Where warm pastels of Rose
Marry soft reds
Into darker cherry

Cooling into neon baby blues
And bursting orange hues

That slowly start to fade
With your days dying light

And you join the stars
Patiently awaiting the dawn
And a warm beach breeze
LR Thompson Mar 23
Time may stop
But it is those moments of life
Where beauty best sees fit to rest its head
Upon shoulders of iron will that refuse to bow
A strength beholden to one shared amongst the many
A light in the dark soul of a world gone mad
That shatters the sad heart born of a passing
Into a better state
One that knows no fear lest time resume
Its ever marching trek down the flowery gardens
To which experience paves a road of gold
Not diminished by its steady crossing
But improved for having been graced with such resolve
In that every stone demarcates a moment
Where time has slowed and reflections
Shine bright those calm moments of quiet serenity
Whose mother is peace omnipresent
Born from the passion of each step
Where every recollection recalls a story
Best told by those who shared in times gambit
Knowing that even at the end of one path
Time will stop and give birth to a highway of love
Lined with memories of you.

This is immortality
LR Thompson Mar 18
I gaze into the eternity beyond pupils dilation
Where soul has lost sole control of the spirit
And the darkness that grips twists the mind
Warping memories into incoherent phantoms
Wailing in anguish as I brush them aside

Gazing deeper,
Beyond the pale of of my mortal coil
Searching for an answer that nature neglects
Written not in emerald green starbursts,
Shrouded by grey washed blue skys,
But further, beyond the heavens
Where night stretches beyond Terra Firma
And empty space reigns in perpetual waltz
Aging as my eye progresses towards the birth
When light was given life and purity was pure
Before the infection of the question
That has no answer

Nor did it need,
For there I found looking back as if a mirror
My reflection staring at itself in amazement
For I had solved the theory of everything
By knowing thyself… beyond myself
LR Thompson Mar 16
“To live is to learn“
He said as he held his crying son
Between sobs he felt fresh tears seeping into his coat
Damp reminders of times he himself broke down
Feeling the pressing weight of life and it’s expectations
He held the boy at arms length

“There was a time not too long ago…

The magnolias were in bloom
Sweet summer consumed sweet home
Alabama sang from the back of a black pickup
Doors open and tailgate down we loved the sound
Touchdown! rang across white cotton fields
Swaying in the gentle southern breeze
Whose caress cools the heat of the day
That buzzes with whirling dragonflies
And Hovering Toms humming to a bees melody
Blue Jays fought Bluebirds under blue skies
Pocked by slowly drifting cotton clouds
Lazily shape shifting into reflections of the land below

A rabbit, curious, ready to bounce

‘Ol Bo, the bird dog, pointing to a fresh ****

A deer, alerted, spooked by murderous cawing crows

All of this, seen by a boy in a tree

“Until he fell”
The father whispered to his son
Rolling up his sleeve he showed him the scar
“You see, my boy, I have broken a bone or two…
Some hearts
… Some dreams
Said things I didn’t mean…
Yet those magnolias still bloomed
The bees still buzzed
And birds either love or hate the color blue
Such is the nature of nature:
It is alive because it has learned to live“
LR Thompson Jan 6
The morning dew drops fell to their rest

Little stars shine moonlight reflections

Each reminiscent of the different dimensions

To which water can be a part

For on the tapestry of earthy green leaves

A universal ballet is being rehearsed

As spinning fractals dance to the rhyming crickets

Whose choir hums to a classical melody

That soars as high as ancient redwoods

Towering above the dew drops as they pilè

Into a pirouetting waterfall

Whose crash sends cosmic waves

Of pitter pattering percussion

That quickly rises to a triumphant crescendo

Only to fall silent as the first light of morning

Transforms the dewy pantheon

Into glorious diamonds of golden rays

Whose attitude stands defiant

Against the altitude of the coming vault

Back to the skies from which dew cried

A forlorn mist longing to reach the clouds

And escape the terrestrial embrace

Whose gravity forever tugs with tidal force

Turning mist to rain to fall in stars

Droplets destined to reunite with the lonely night

And once again dance to the dew drop ballet
For a visual experience please visit my page on commaful
LR Thompson Mar 2022
You know not what lies behind these eyes
Hollow truths covered with golden gilding
Betray my secrets writ large in small print
Their letters tearing through the filigree
Mishaping the core of the heart in braille
Until I become like a crumbling ruin
Whose history is impossible to interpret
Being understood by relative anecdotes
To try to explain the why of the mind
That time has formerly forgotten
Yet remembers the remnants of my sights:
These fragments have caused me blindness
A statue with gouges carved in the sockets
Staring off in a direction inconcurrent
With the noble posture facing the fore
Refusing to see that which is in front of me:
All goading with their wicked weakness
To weather my body and bury the remains
So that the good in the world is left stratified
In layers too distant to reach out and grasp:
That is, until the earth starts to quake
Exposing my corrupted form to your light
So that you may excavate my mortal coil
And restore to order these ancient eyes
Which for too long have dwelt in the past
The Eyes of March might be a better title but alas I'm unable to attach a photo of one Gaius Julius Caesar to help explain the allusion.
LR Thompson Aug 2021
Division runs rampant through unity on the break
Torches flare as rage flickers smoldering kindling to flame
Erupting the perpetual boils that fester beyond infections wake
Fearful that lives saved are endangered for propagandas sake
Nay, the divisions that split rip to shreds the patriotic fabric
Shorn to threads amiable friendships that broach enmity
Between brothers bound by blood shared
Bleeding red in concealed unison given to each at birth
As mighty Gaia trembles under the weight of shrugging Atlas
Beseeching the old gods to return to former glories
Resting lonesome Olympus from its divine pantheon
To quake and shake the shared foundations built
Atop mountains of lies stacked one after another
Before the heavens part and holy Elysium repels
The hearts of both men and women who dared divide
A house unified on sacrosanct liberties inherent
Gifted to the corruptible souls of humanity
On the premise that justice should be for all
That hold the highest values inviolable
By any that would rabble-rouse the masses to forgo
The established law of the land on such flawed premises
Where words hold greater authority than actions convey
And peace is but a pipe dream puffed in perfect rings translucent
Fading before the light has a chance to cast dark shadows
Imperfect in their reflection yet somehow flawless in impression
Oh, if only we were not like that famous allegory
Confined to our own individual caves
Then maybe our eyes could open wide and once again
Let in the truth that we have for too long allowed to blind us in hate
Perhaps the fates would halt their furies
And end our shared torment avoidable
Unifying a once noble people to again stand proud
A beacon to a world begging for freedom
Clearing the fog of war and lighting the path
Back to the house we once called home

By L.R.Thompson
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