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Horace May Jan 2016
Sleep seems to elude me.
Late nights or early mornings.
Enough it never is to think.
Even while you dance in my head,
People blur past, focus nowhere else.
Life it seems to slow down.
Enabling me to make memories,
So much longer than they are.
Sleep or awake, I'm in a dream.
Horace May Jan 2016

Fools play on the deep end.
Longevity may be hard to be.
Innate get togethers our trend.
Not sure if doubt filled he and she.
The start may be our end.


Together we lit our flame.
Inside ourselves our warmth grew.
Not knowing the intensity of what came.
Dare we did not, none withdrew.
Each gained and lost, no shame.
Right or not none truly knew.

The fire knew.
Horace May Jan 2016
Each droplet a pitter patter on my back.
Each breath the more fogged my mind.
Each movement the deeper in I become.
The more intense the rain becomes,
The more I lose hope of staying dry.
Each thought coalescing into another deed.
Each desire wanting nothing more but warmth.
Each of us turning into the puddles that become rain.

I am Rain
Horace May Dec 2014
For each moment I see you, I life for.
Each moment seen, I lose track
Something that could be done, not.
Sight of you too focused on.

To see you and you to see me.
Around you everything halts.
Like raindrops in stop motion.
Known it is profound and beautiful.
I noticed i always ended being a ghost of the stairwell with her, things i wanted
to say and do but the moment already passed.
Horace May Nov 2014

First an interesting smile,
seemingly not to beguile.
for what i saw with two eyes,
could not see any lies.

something shifted from within,
supernovas, paper thin.
universe brought down to earth,
in the eyes of one's mirth.

Eyes can be the door to soul,
opened up we took a stroll.
silence shared for a short while,
something sacred nowhere vile.

Sight i wish to see again,
for nothing i wanted then.
Those eyes looking in to mine,
my eyes looking into thine.

Your eyes
Someone I found pretty surprising to share my affections with. She seems like a
genuine person and it shows in her eyes and her smile. Cautious and closed but yet
open. A rather interesting combination in a person. For a while I thought I couldn't
share feelings with another person, its quite nice to be proven wrong.
Horace May Apr 2014
Walking by you, staring into you.
I knew what runs through you.
For every emotion twisted,
A solution desired so.

For every flaw you had known.
Answers in others you did seek.
Change had come mayhap, better?
Do you notice the effort of who.

Others around do care deeply so.
What ran through you was far below.
Change you seek is not from them.
But within you, fixing your hem.

Many you desired to care for you.
Clearly known what must be done.
Truth in time felt, be done.
What happens now may be your art.

To corrupt some other man's heart.
Do you care, for care to you?
When most would change to blue.
They skulked without much clue.

A solution desired so.
For every emotion twisted.
I knew what runs through you.
Walking by you, staring into you.
Horace May Apr 2014
Towards a light you could clearly see at night.
Herald of the hope giving glimpse of sight.
Eager to bask in what truly feels right.

Wishing for an extension to make longer day.
As a way to keep faith and stay in fray.
Yield I must to how the sun spreads what it may.

Longing to stay in warmth and feelings of peace.
Instilled in me the will, the pull of another piece.
Gales of fortune drag me closer to caprice.
Hints subtly of another's moved chess piece.
Towards an idea of how two could release.

Indeed could there be so much more to life.
Simply loving, rather than be another fief.
I can't stop thinking about the person I wrote about. Thoughts of getting to
know and to talk to her more keep flowing to and fro, I hope it is not infatuation but something way more substantial. The feeling of being drawn to another person.
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