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Christine Agro Oct 2014
The stars hold our hopes,
our dreams, our wonder.
We look up and we see endless.
We see expanse.
We see tomorrow, we see yesterday.
The stars are us.
The stars are us.
Christine Agro May 2014
It is I,
the Cat,
who sneaks into your room
and opens the dresser drawer
so that I may sleep deep inside.
Please let me out.
Christine Agro May 2014
I am the cat.
          move me
and I come back
          move me
and I come back
          move me
and I come back.
Christine Agro May 2014
Car alarms and crying
Beeps and burbles
Tweets and giggles
All up in the crab apple tree.
Even your name is befuddling.
Cat Bird.
Christine Agro May 2014
Cleanse me
Free me
Cool me
Your rhythm soothes me
Rain, rhythm, freedom,
Christine Agro Apr 2014
How I love to sit
beneath you
and let your
gentle, slender branches
surround and protect me.
Like a loving touch,
your beautiful green boughs
reach out to reassure me,
I am not alone.
Christine Agro Apr 2014
Oh what lengths you travel,
and at such heights.
Running along limbs,
jumping the gap.
The trees are your highway
connecting  you to a world
that we can only look up to see,
squirrels, travel, path, trees
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