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am Aug 2015
You're in my veins and the only way to get you out is to bleed out until I'm nothing.
*but I'm already close to being nothing
am Jul 2014
I want to feel something
I'm ******* numb
emotions don't exist
for me anymore
why do I keep trying
to feel something
that only exists
in ******* romance
  May 2014 am
it's been thirty seven days
since we last spoke and the
only reason i know is because
that's how many packs of cigarettes
I've forced into my lungs

i drank an entire liquor store out
just to feel your bitter kisses burn
my lips and dehydrate my heart the
way you would rip me apart and leave
me to wither away in the dark night

i've gotten an inhaler just so i could
pump your heartbeat into my chest
to feel alive because this feeling is
so **** ******* suffocating and im
dying im dying imdyingimdying

please send help

please don't leave

please love me

i cant breath it hurts so much
am Dec 2013
but the scars
on your arms
aren't as bad
as the screams
in your head
am Jul 2013
I want your lips
pressed against my cold neck
my skin connected with yours
& legs tangled together
making the perfect melody together
am Jul 2013
I just want the darkness to absorb me.
make me disappear.
take me away.
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