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Katy Owens Apr 2015
When the rain falls
and worries slide
like drops down a windshield
sprinkled in drops
And the fears don't
feel so
Falling clouds
help the fears
fall away
And maybe by tomorrow
even though the mud
hasn't dried
and sometimes my
hands still feel tied
I'll start to feel,
like clouds fading into day,
a little more
Katy Owens Apr 2015
Brake lights reflect off streets damp with spring snow
Brake lights and street lights and street signs reflect a myriad of colors
A beautiful array off streets too terrifyingly wet to properly see
Danger in the brake lights
Shining street signs
Of roads too wet to see
And sometimes there's beauty in the danger
Dangerous is beautiful
And before there was light the world was in darkness
And before light there was darkness
And before light there was God
In the darkness
So if we spend so much time driving away from the darkness
Do we miss God in the beauty
Of street lights reflected on dark, shiny roads
Do we miss the beauty only found
In the darkest of nights
Are we straining to see with eyes not truly looking
Maybe in darkness our hearts
Learn to hear
Our souls begin to seek
Our ears see
And eyes feel
and bodies hear
And souls find
that peace comes from
Being WITH God, not from sight
And in the danger
There is beauty
Of a soul at peace
Seeing God without eyes
And soft brake lights
Katy Owens Apr 2015

I keep falling

If I could walk around
on my knees,
would You expect less of me?

Because the bar
seems too high
and I believe that
You've asked me to die

To myself
self-ish gain
to my ways
man's high-ways

And I think I've said
again and again
to the whims of my
fellow man

But it's never enough
it would seem
Fall flat off my feet once

Bar's too high
can't reach that high
How much more do You want me
to die?

When do I get to cry
"it's finished"
Have given enough to
once again feel
Your touch

When all I want
is to know You more
and this world around keeps
pushing me to the floor

Are my ways ever good
when only Your ways are God

Do I only reach higher
when I find myself lower
Cuz every **** day
I fall even shorter

I'm seeking perfection seated
on a throne
and today feels like I'm battling alone

Do I only find perfection
when I'm sitting on the ground
where heaven and earth meet
In a glorious dance
this miraculous romance
to find truth in the dichotomy
of dirt and divine

To stop reaching for a
kingdom in the sky
find eternity in my heart
this Kingdom is nigh

I'm still falling
flat on my face
growing use to dirt in my mouth's
gritty taste

Maybe in moments of
my greatest failure
are where I meet
my relentless Savior
Katy Owens Dec 2014
no butterflies in my stomach
I have hands in my chest
grabbing my heart
squeezing it without rest
Crushing me
I'm helpless at best
Tears welling up
salty pieces of soul
filling my eyes
down they roll
You can't ever fully escape
my broken self spilling out
seeping through my skin
Can't hold it all together
Maybe I'm grateful for
those hands crushing my chest
Don't have to feel all the pain
desperately trying to find rest
But my soul won't stop crying
heart bleeding salty tears down my cheeks
This heartbreak doesn't heal
you just learn to live with the pain
Katy Owens Dec 2014
Love hung on a tree
Bruised body
blood flowed
Love died for my shame

Love didn't look at skin or color
Love didn't look at nationality,
Love look at souls
and said we're brothers
Blood flowed
for every nation,
tribe and

But we've forgotten.

And now
the prophets of the streets
crying like Pentecostal priests
Beating chests and
stomping feet
those choosing blindness
to see

See our pain
Feel our fury
Our righteous anger
against injustices you pretend can
remain unseen

You were born with this freedom
to close your eyes
We were born into a world
stabbing us from behind

So don't
bring your Bibles,
shove your tracts
drag us down aisles
You weren't here from the beginning
Fighting to break chains and
set captives free

"We have nothing to lose but our chains"

Our battle cry is freedom
equality for all
Jew and Gentile
Slave and free
Now the verses can read
Black and white
Upper class and lower
College educated, GED

You know, He's crying with us
shouting, marching
Beating chest and
stomping feet

Don't think you're bringing Jesus to us
He's already here,
on the streets
Prophecy of protests
Righteous rage against
Jesus, the revolutionary

God with us
On the ground with us

Love doesn't look at
skin or color
And love hung from
a tree

It is our duty to fight for our freedom
Love has already won the day

And we have nothing to lose but our chains
We will fight to lose our chains
Katy Owens Nov 2014

those bits of
crumbled color, crushed
                        the ground

hints of red
crimson and gold
the fragrance of a season

                                 so crisp
eyes nearly have to squint

leaves and color gently
drop from
their yearly coat

floating down
       or pushed

fall flurries
Katy Owens Sep 2014
Cardboard doubles
as shredded sheets
"Spare a little change,
trying to make ends meet
Just seeking refuge
from the cold and sleet"

Well, the Savior didn't have a place
to lay His head
So maybe they're closer to Him
than I am

But people see the signs
All they do is stare
Wonder, what's he done
and where's she been?
I couldn't cast the stone
cuz my record ain't clean

No one gave me
the judgement rod
And you, sir, don't look like God
Driving by
rolling up your windows and
down your nose
"Probably for drugs,"
your judgments say
"Lazy *** will
squander it away"

As if you and I
never fail, please don't forget
we've just been given
a better circumstance,
missed some unfortunate
Do you squander love?
Waste your privilege?

We're all the same
Skin bones and blood
And I know I'm
begging for change
on the streets of human love
Forgetting I've been given grace
from the Divine
Covered by love that looks like
water blood and wine

Maybe my friend
the "homeless ***"
is really a bit closer
to the One
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